Interested in purchasing an OOAK doll... click here.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New Ideas!

Ok... so I did end up going to the Craft Expo and they had a lot of neat stuff... but I was a bit disappointed. I've noticed that they sell a lot of the same things. So I checked out the dolls that were made and I think I came across just a very few non-repeat items (stuff you can find at the Central or other tourist places). Here are a few dolls that I saw...

Here are a few Kuna cloth dolls... they were $5 each.

This lady had a few original Kunas... cloth and wood spoon dressed as Kunas

Pollera/Kuna/Other Nativity Scenes

There were mini Pollera dolls ($2) and the big cloth Embera Indians on boat ($35)

And Pollera Angel ornaments ($5)

So overall... I came out of here with a few ideas I wanna try. Not necessarily polymer clay dolls... but cloth dolls and teddy bears. Right now I'm in the process of making my own pattern and then sewing up a test toy and see what I come up with. ;) Photos soon... stay tuned!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

She's Blushing!! *^-^*

Went over to my grandma's house today to get laundry done... and while I was there I blushed my BJD doll and baked 1 foot of my Pollera doll. I only got to bake one of her feet because the power went out so I left for the night.

I restrung my BJD and noticed that her right leg's elastic needs to be just a bit tighter. Overall... I'm excited cause she's almost done. Now I just need to figure out how to make her removeable wigs. I was thinking of getting an old black legging or stocking and cutting it up and sewing a thin black elastic unto it... then sewing the hair unto that. We'll see... hope it all turns out right. lol

Still have to sculpt her hands and feet and finish up her outfits too before I can finally sell her.

Stay tuned! :)

2010 Panama Craft Expo

I'm going to try and go to this this Friday. It's a craft expo in the city at the Atlapa Convention Center. It starts at 1pm and it cost $3.00 to go in. I miss the last one at the end of July because we were moving to a new place at the time. I'm eager to see my competition, as far as dolls anyways, and what other neat crafts are out there. Hopefully someone will be teaching courses or I can find more fabrics or items which I can use for my dolls.

I will post pics of the event. :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My current frustration!! >:(

Well... Lately I've had a bit of a frustration that has slowed my progress down. First my heat gun died on me... my hubby has yet to check to see what's wrong with it and see if it's worth fixing or if I need a new one. I also don't have an oven yet in my new home... and my grandma's house is about 15 minutes away. So, trying to drag my unbaked dolls on a scooter is not the wisest idea!! Not sure what to do yet, but have been looking into this small item that heats your dolls (or food) like a conventional oven. Pretty neat and portable.

Excuse my venting!! Had to let it out!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Ok... so I have 3 dolls that are nearing completion and will be available for sale soon. I will give Ebay a try first and see if they will sell, but if they don't, then I will sell them here locally.

As you all know, the 2 I've been working on are the Soft-bodied Kuna and the Carnival BJD doll. All I have left on the Kuna is to finish her beadworks on her leg and arms. I need to buy more Super Bonder glue. I also need to finish her base. I thought about buying sand and tiny shells to decorate, but then I remembered I can just go down to the beach and collect it free there! lol

As far as the Carnival BJD doll... I'm much happier with her legs now. They are working properly. Not sure if she will be able to stand on her own once I make and attach her feet just because of the weight of her Polymer clay body. But even if she doesn't, I will be buying a doll stand for her soon. I sanded her arms and legs today, but now I need to blush. Still have to sculpt her hands and feet... now I'm even more excited to finish her. I think though, that I will make her shorts instead of a skirt... but I also need to have her dress made with the Pollera floral design on it like this...

I've also started a new soft-bodied doll... and she's almost done. She's a Pollera Montuna doll. This is the first time I used my custom stamp to make the top. All I have left on her is to sculpt her feet, touch up sew her body, and finish her decorations.

Friday, July 23, 2010


I appologize for not updating my blog sooner. I'm working on so many dolls at the same time!! I will list all the dolls that I'm working on and bring you guys up to date!

My Kuna doll has her outfit on and all I have left to do is finish her bead work on her leg and arms and then I can attach her to her base...

I'm also working and stressing over my 2nd BJD doll! I started to make her a Carnival costume but still have a lot to do to it... I need to add feathers and other decorations. I haven't taken any pictures of her with her outfit on yet, but here's a pic of her...

Here are a few photos to use for costume ideas...

I've also worked on a few more Pollera Bust dolls that I'm planning on selling here in Panama. Next week there will be a National Art Fair going on in Panama City from the 28th of July till the 1st of August. I will attend to check out the local artwork and see at what prices they are selling them at. I'll post pics of the event. Stay tuned!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

New Doll Idea!

I got an idea for my next doll after I finish my Kuna doll. I want to make A BJD Doll (Ball Jointed Doll) following a tutorial I've been checking out. She will be able to move her body, head, arms and legs so she ccan pose with her dress. Now you know me... I want to make a doll that has to do with Panama. So I will make a full body Pollera doll. I will not be sewing the dress (of course LOL) but I have 2 people in mind... either my Aunt or the woman who sewed my children's school uniforms.

I was thinking of starting out with a Montuna Pollera like this...

Now this will be my first time making a BJD doll... so I really hope she comes out great. I already ordered the supplies I need to start her. Can't wait!

My new Kuna Indian Doll

Ok so I finally remade my new Kuna doll. I started on her about 3 weeks ago... and slowly but surely I'm getting her done. The original Kuna doll I made way back in 2004, not long after I first moved to Virginia and discovered Mark Dennis' amazing dolls in a magazine while I worked at Walmart. She was about 12" tall and made out of the white Sculpey clay and had way too many problems that I never finished her. I was not new to sculpting but I was new to dollmaking and working with a better brand of polymer clay.

But my new Kuna doll is about 9" tall and made from ProSculpt polymer clay. I'm a lot happier with this one and can't wait till she's done. I'm currently working on the beadwork for her legs, then I will make her blouse and last finish her beadwork on her arms.