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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New Ideas!

Ok... so I did end up going to the Craft Expo and they had a lot of neat stuff... but I was a bit disappointed. I've noticed that they sell a lot of the same things. So I checked out the dolls that were made and I think I came across just a very few non-repeat items (stuff you can find at the Central or other tourist places). Here are a few dolls that I saw...

Here are a few Kuna cloth dolls... they were $5 each.

This lady had a few original Kunas... cloth and wood spoon dressed as Kunas

Pollera/Kuna/Other Nativity Scenes

There were mini Pollera dolls ($2) and the big cloth Embera Indians on boat ($35)

And Pollera Angel ornaments ($5)

So overall... I came out of here with a few ideas I wanna try. Not necessarily polymer clay dolls... but cloth dolls and teddy bears. Right now I'm in the process of making my own pattern and then sewing up a test toy and see what I come up with. ;) Photos soon... stay tuned!